Professore Ordinario 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code  (MAT/04)
University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
College/Department Department  SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE 

Reception times

Contattare il docente per posta elettronica.
Orario di ricevimento: Giovedì presso lo studio 3.15 in via del Castro Pretorio, ore 15:30-17:30.


Ana Millán Gasca is full professor of Mathematics at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. She has been managing editor of Llull (Journal of the Spanish Society for the History of Science and Technology) and is corresponding member of the Académie International d’Histoire des Sciences. Her research subjects are the history of applied mathematics, the role of scientific and technological knowledge and of scientific communities in processes of modernization, and historical aspects of elementary mathematics and its teaching. She is the author of Numeri e forme. Didattica della matematica con i bambini (Zanichelli, 2016), Fabbriche, sistemi, organizzazioni. Storia dell’ingegneria industriale (Springer, 2006), All'inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza (2a. ed., Mimesis, 2004) and Euclide. La fuerza del razonamiento matemático (Madrid, Nivola, 2004). With Paola Magrone she has written I bambini e il pensiero scientifico. Con la traduzione integrale di “The preparation of the child for science” di Mary Everest Boole (Carocci, 2018). With Anna Mazzitelli, L'ABC della matematica (Carocci, 2021). With Giorgio Israel she has written Pensare in matematica (Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012), The world as a mathematical game. John von Neumann and twentieth century science (Birkhäuser. 2009) and The biology of numbers (Birkhäuser, 2002). She is the chair of the research seminar in history & epistemology of mathematics and mathematics education "F. Enriques" and the director of the Primary Mathematics Education Lab .