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Ateneo Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE 

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Monica Salassa, PhD, Research Fellow 2009-2017, Adjunct professor, Lecturer and Trainer in education, Specialist in the Montessori educational model. Dissertation theme: "The quality of Montessori schools in Italy: a multiple case study" (2007). Research Project (2009-2017): "The Montessori Digital Library". Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, Tutor, E-learning specialist in the Educational Research and Training Area (prof. Clara Tornar's Department of Education, Centre for Montessori Studies-CeSMon). She has contributed to research projects undertaken by CeSMon since its foundation in 2002 at Roma Tre University. Recent publications: “The quality of Montessori schools in Italy. Case studies” in B.Bednarczuk, D.Zdybel (editors) "Learning in Montessori classroom-The process of becoming independent person" (2014); "The Montessori Digital Library. Educational culture and preservation online" (2012); "Montessori Junior High Schools in Italy. More than fifty years of history" (2011); the italian translation from the French of Maria Montessori's "From childhood to adolescence" (2009); "The quality of Montessori schools in Italy: a multiple case study" (2009); "The competent use of the school library: a Montessori approach" (2009). Research interests: a) empirical research (quantitative and qualitative) in current educational settings, Montessori and traditional, and their comparison; b) research on different actors involved in education and their interactions: teachers, head teachers, students, parents, education and training managers; c) design, development and management of training and refresher courses for teachers/managers following an approach derived from the Montessori model; d) historical bibliographical-documentary research aimed at collecting and managing useful data and resources concerning the education field with a special focus on the Montessori movement worldwide.