Code 20402366
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Code 20402366-1
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code BIO/11 
Contact Hours 40 
Type of Activity Core compulsory activities 
Derived from 20401782 MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY in Biology for Molecular, Cellular and Physiopathological Research LM-6 (professor to define)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016
Attendance not mandatory
Code 20402366-2
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code BIO/11 
Contact Hours
Laboratory Hours 10 
Type of Activity Core compulsory activities 
Derived from 20401782 MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY in Biology for Molecular, Cellular and Physiopathological Research LM-6 (professor to define)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016
Attendance not mandatory